ON Tuesday, August 12, The Fairlynch Museum will be holding Rolling Stones – Earth Painting. Drop-in sessions from 1.30pm.

ON Tuesday, August 12, The Fairlynch Museum will be holding Rolling Stones - Earth Painting. Drop-in sessions from 1.30pm.

Earth painting experience for all ages, using earth pigment made from the surrounding landscape - the cliffs and the riverbed.

Investigate the trails of sea molluscs, like winkles, and then create your own 'mollusc trails' on fabric, using local pebbles with the earth paints on the fabric.

Thursday, August 14, there will be Mollusc Through Time sessions from 1.30pm and 3.30pm.

Molly Usk goes on an adventure in a rock pool and finds herself going through time meeting who knows what?

Bring some of your own shells collected locally to share and show. See who they might have met 250 million years ago.

Tess Stone

will be telling stories from the new Story Chair (pictured above right) at the Fairlynch Museum,

(01395) 445608

07974 802589

