There is no summer rest for the team behind the team at Exmouth Town FC, as the supporters have been working hard to get things ready for the new football season.

Bar manager Elaine Field organised a group of volunteers to spruce up the clubhouse, a project funded by ETSC. The clubhouse is integral to the success of Town, playing host to a number of community events and a great venue to hire for events.

The club now boasts a new patio and roof outside, while the fabulous beer garden is looking forward to entertaining local guests in the coming months.

Season-ticket sales have been going well again for Town and more are still available, priced at £140 for adults and £110 for concessions. Exmouth being their pre-season campaign with a visit from Truro City on July 7. Season-tickets can be purchased by contacting Martin Cook by email on or by calling 07599 346689.