During the 2022/23 season, Exmouth Town’s social media team moved to a different level.

Town were fortunate to have volunteers Nathan Smith and Martin Norman help move the club forward off the pitch via ETFC Twitter with date match reports and in-game commentary, plus the Exmouth Town TV channel, which can be seen on YouTube.

On the TV channel, post-match interviews are conducted and the series ‘Talk of the Town’ has provided exclusive access behind the scenes.

Next season, the club is introducing a new camera system to show match highlight and also advertise supporting club partners. The system also gives the coaching side of the club the chance to review players and performances.

Town are looking for a potential official partner who would like to join this scheme and be a part of Exmouth Town TV. If you would like any information on this please contact Martin Cook on 07599 346689 or cook209@hotmail.com