Exmouth RFC U-12s hosted Okehampton on a wet and windy Sunday morning and emerged as soggy winners. 

Exmouth opened the scoring first with the speedy Callum Price breaking through the Okehampton defence and getting the ball down. 

Okehampton responded with good spirit. Keeping the ball in hand, rucking well and going through the phases, the scores were brought level within a couple of minutes.   

After a tactical switch, Exmouth scored a further six tries without reply. Charlie Vernon showed great strength and grit scoring four, Callum Price added another to his tally and captain Beau Halford completed the scoring to leave Exmouth 35-5 winners.  

Okehampton never gave up throughout the match and played some great rugby and put Exmouth under pressure on a number of occasions. However, the home side were too strong defensively with Man of the Match going to Rupert Dunn for a great tackling display.