Exmouth’s U12 Rugby team got their season underway with an entertaining 4-3 victory over Withycombe in an exceptional game played with great spirit. 

After some stout defence, James Curtis broke through the Withy line to open the scoring and that remained the only try of a tight first period. The game opened up after the break and the Withies edged in front, the second of two quickfire tries scored by their captain Ted Neil. 

Exmouth rallied and rucked well, levelling the tie with a surge into the gap from skipper Beau Halford. Withycome regained the lead with a third try bit Exmouth had more in the tank over the closing stages. 

Max Milne dotted down for 3-3 and a slick passing move created room for Callum Price to dart across the pitch and get the ball across the whitewash for the winning try in the final play of the game.