TEN Exeter University students have tested positive for swine flu.

TEN Exeter University students have tested positive for swine flu.

The Health Protection Agency confirmed the students are mildly affected by the virus and are receiving the appropriate medical care.

They are expected to make a full recovery after treatment.

Those who have been in close contacts of the students will receive antiviral drugs as a precaution and anyone reporting flu-like symptoms will be offered tests for swine flu.

The university has advised staff and students of the current situation.

Following a risk assessment carried out by the Health Protection Agency and Devon Primary Care Trust, the university has been advised that no other actions are necessary and the institution can remain open.

The university is working closely with the Health Protection Agency and NHS colleagues to monitor the situation.

Devon PCT and the HPA have established plans in place to deal with cases of swine flu, and the university has a flu pandemic contingency plan.

David Allen, the university's registrar, said: "We are working closely with the health authorities and have contacted students and staff to give them the latest advice.

"Fortunately the students' symptoms are mild.

"The university is continuing to work normally although, of course, we remain vigilant.