A recent BBC poll found that 55 per cent of those who took part want Britain to pull out of the EU, while retaining trading links with Europe. not to mentio

A recent BBC poll found that 55 per cent of those who took part want Britain to pull out of the EU, while retaining trading links with Europe. I simply do not understand this constant need to question our part in the great European Dream, not to mention the cost of it. After all, the people in those wonderful offices decide such important things. Never mind the incidental stuff, like closing down post offices and destroying our fishing fleet, there has been a very serious debate going on. Namely, how to address the female of the species without giving offence. In the hallowed European halls of power, one may not use the terms Ms, Miss or Mrs. One must use the lady's full name. Ergo, Miss Theodora Gorblimey Blenkinsop-Plummer is thus addressed, instead of Miss Plummer. Doesn't exactly save time, does it? The twists and turns over how to address female members of the armed services and the police, fire service etcetera must have been a joy to behold.It is with great glee that I can report that they got stuck on 'midwife'. Ann Prior,75 Egremont Road, Exmouth.