Has the council run out of money for road repairs? On the council roadworks website they have Lime Grove closed until July! Even before the bad weather, the road got churned up by the double decker buses going down it, patchy repair after repair and now

Has the council run out of money for road repairs?

On the council roadworks website they have Lime Grove closed until July!

Even before the bad weather, the road got churned up by the double decker buses going down it, patchy repair after repair and now huge parts broken up.

Temporary road surface signs were put up, followed by closed signs. Residents have not been informed but the bus company knew early enough to tell passengers of a change of route. The road is a danger, with large stones coming out of the holes. The council could at least do a clear-up job.

Apparently the comment from the council is that it is emergency measures - and they don't have to inform residents. But if they think it will take until July, wouldn't it be good relations to inform people and why? As the road was breaking up before the bad weather, they can't blame that.

Alison Anderson,

of Exmouth

(via email).