I absolutely despair of those elected officials, and their unelected minions, who are supposed to represent us.

I absolutely despair of those elected officials, and their unelected minions, who are supposed to represent us.

Firstly, I note from the Journal that East Devon District Council have ruled that an advertising sign at Hannah's Nail Studio must be removed as a member of the public complained last summer.

I happened to be walking past the building on Sunday and saw the 'bright pink' sign that is so upsetting them - only to wonder what is so wrong with it.

It is neither garish nor does it stand out so much that it is detrimental to the area, listed building or not.

Perhaps the only problem is that EDDC are upset because they were not asked if it would be OK, so are throwing a tantrum. If sufficient numbers of people come out in support of the sign, would that negate the one complaint?

I could list numerous other businesses that have worse, garish signs.

On the one hand, EDDC and the town council are bemoaning the fact that so many business properties are empty; on the other, they seem to be doing whatever they can to prevent businesses flourishing. Please note, I have no affiliation whatsoever with Hannah or her studio.

Secondly, the banning of kite boarding, etc, at the Imperial Recreation Ground. Are our officials really trying to turn Exmouth into a ghost town and get rid of those who bring trade to the town?

Health and safety (that good old let-out) has been quoted as the reason, following complaints from 'a number of members of the public'.

Again, if sufficient numbers of the public come out in support of the use of the IRG for the training of potential Olympic champions, will EDDC listen? Probably not!

Why not put up signs saying something like 'This Recreation Ground is used by power kiters, kite boarders and kite buggies. EDDC supports these activities and our potential future Olympic athletes. The public are requested to take care when using the Recreation Ground.' As Aleksandr, the meerkat, says : 'Simples!'. What a great advertising slogan we could have: 'Exmouth - training ground of future Olympic champions'.

H Samuel,

9 Lawn Road, Exmouth.