Residents in Hulham Road have expressed disappointment at Devon County Council’s decision to not installed a fixed speed camera

Disappointment has been expressed at the decision to not fit permanent speed cameras on a busy Exmouth road.

Residents in Hulham Road became so concerned about it being used as a ‘race track’ that a petition signed by 240 people calling for cameras to be installed was submitted to Devon County Council (DCC).

The highways authority has responded by continuing ‘regular speed enforcement’ and put up signs warning mobile speed cameras will be in operation.

Jill Richards, who has led the campaign by residents of Hulham Road to make it safer, said she was ‘disappointed’ with decision.

“After numerous meetings with various committees and council departments and much correspondence with the Highways Department at County Hall we were very disappointed that fixed speed cameras will not be installed,” said Jill.

“However, we do think that as long as the random speed checks are carried out on a regular basis as promised then eventually the offending drivers will get the message that Hulham Road is not a racetrack and hopefully they will be apprehended before someone gets injured or possibly worse.

“The residents will be keeping an eye on the situation to see if there is any improvement.”

Jill also said they have asked for a rethink of the ‘dangerous’ Pound Lane roundabout to make it safer for motorists approaching from all routes.

DCC says they are yet to determine how many signs are needed and where they will be placed.

A spokesman for DCC said: “Following the collection of speed data our Speed Compliance Action Review Forum (SCARF) with Devon and Cornwall Police concluded that regular speed enforcement on Hulham Road should continue.

“To do this on a regular basis signs need to be placed in the area advising motorists that speed cameras may be in operation.

“We are currently working to determine the number of signs required, their locations and the exact design required by the Department of Transport.

“During this period the mobile unit will continue to monitor vehicle speeds. Since the end of last year, the unit has visited the area on six occasions.”