What a sad, sad headline on the front page of The Exmouth Journal (May 14) about 70(!) children, teenage or younger, hanging around the streets and parks of Exmouth in a drunken state.

What a sad, sad headline on the front page of The Exmouth Journal (May 14) about 70(!) children, teenage or younger, hanging around the streets and parks of Exmouth in a drunken state. What does this say about the parents of these children? Is it a case of out of sight so out of mind? I find it incomprehensible that these children feel the only thing there is to do in our town is to beg, borrow or steal alcohol from various sources and then go and get drunk. Where is this alcohol coming from and who is supplying it for consumption by minors?I am unsure as to how far the legal powers stretch but, surely, parents can, and must, be held responsible for the behaviour and actions of their children. Let's see the police adopt a zero tolerance attitude to this situation and hit the perpetrators hard before we have a fatality or otherwise.Let's also make sure the outlets that sell alcohol in this town are made aware that sales to under-age youths will not be tolerated and that heavy fines will be imposed on anybody making such sales.May I suggest all outlets also compile a register, detailing names, addresses and home telephone numbers of anybody under the age of 21 purchasing alcohol. All people purchasing alcohol would be required to produce a form of identity along with a copy for shop records. While this would initially be time consuming, it would help safeguard alcohol licences and act as a deterrent to youths attempting to break the law. Let's hear from all outlets in our town which sell alcohol as to how they can help beat this problemName and address withheld.