Rgearding ‘allotment holders betrayed’. How I agree with Jeremy Brown’s letter in last week’s Journal.

Although a petition from protesters was submitted with over 1,000 signatures, little notice appears to have been taken. Yes, we should have a referendum, which would give a far wider coverage, to advise all our town councillors, our district council and Clinton Devon Estates that there is widespread opposition to this development.

Many of the allotment holders seem to have been cowed into submission by the might of our local authorities. It is not a done deal and, yes, we must continue to make our views known to the above bodies. This whole project is fundamentally wrong. It will have a disastrous effect on so many people, particularly the elderly, to whom their allotment is their life and passion.

There are other sites owned by Clinton Devon Estates in the area, which would be more suitable. Let the representatives of these organisations sit down together and talk through the alternative proposals, which Budleigh Town Council has subsequently suggested, and bring to an end this feeling of betrayal. Furthermore, restoring their credibility, which has so sadly been lost.

Bob Wiltshire

Allotment holder (via email).