The King and Queen will be joined by the Princess Royal to host a garden party at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh on the second day of the couple’s first post-coronation visit to Scotland.

The garden party, a traditional part of Holyrood Week, this year celebrates the coronation of Charles and Camilla and follows two parties held at Buckingham Palace earlier this year.

Before the party gets under way the King is scheduled to view the Jubilee Gates at the entrance to Abbey Yard at the palace.

Charles will be joined by representatives of The Society of High Constables of Edinburgh, who commissioned the gates to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

King visits Scotland for Holyrood Week
The King views the new Elizabeth Sword at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh (Jane Barlow/PA)

On Monday the King participated in the Ceremony of the Keys on the palace forecourt where he was presented with the keys to the city.

Charles and Camilla also visited the Great Tapestry of Scotland to view a newly stitched panel dedicated to the couple.

On Wednesday the King will be presented with the Honours of Scotland – the nation’s crown jewels – at a special ceremony of thanksgiving at St Giles’ Cathedral.

The service will feature centuries-old aspects of Scottish royal tradition along with new additions such as music written specially for the occasion.

Before the service there will be a Royal Procession and a People’s Procession along the Royal Mile involving around 100 people.

The Stone of Destiny is also expected to play a part in Wednesday’s ceremony and there will also be a fly-past by the Red Arrows following the event.