I see from a report in the Journal that our local MP, Hugo Swire, is to present Veterans' badges at the commando training camp in June, a just action.

I see from a report in the Journal that our local MP, Hugo Swire, is to present Veterans' badges at the commando training camp in June, a just action. It is a pity that he does not support veterans trying to receive equality over pro-rata pensions for servicemen and women, who left the armed forces before the April 6, 1975. I wrote, asking him if he would sign Colin Challen's Early Day Motion No46, supporting the Armed Forces Pension Group in their aims for equality. He replied that as he was an opposition spokesman at that time, he was not allowed to sign a EDM, although he has signed at least 48 other EDMs. Having attended the AFP Group's parade at the Cenotaph, on Monday, May 11, I tried to lobby our MPs, but Mr Swire was unable to see me. I asked his spokesperson why Mr Swire, as an ex-serviceman himself, was unable sign the EDM in support of the Armed Forces Pension Group.It appears he, along with a number of other MPs, was instructed not to sign such EDMs. If this is the policy of the Conservative Party not to support older ex-service men and woman, then in a constituency like East Devon, with a large ex-service population, this may be worth remembering come election time.Dennis Hill,48 Meadow View Road, Exmout