CHILDREN and parents voted for the design of a new nature-friendly play area on the Maer s nature reserve, which will be built by the New Year.

CHILDREN and parents voted for the design of a new nature-friendly play area on the Maer's nature reserve, which will be built by the New Year.

Last Saturday 45 children and 22 adults took part in the voting for the play area, to be built on a pitch and putt golf course on the Maer and paid for by developers.

The new play equipment will be made out of natural materials and will help to tell the story of the nature reserve and its wildlife.

Some of the insects, plants and animals commonly found on the Maer will be the models for the play equipment.

The Council showed residents photos of nationally rare species and asked them to vote for which species they would like.

The most popular species were the Clouded Yellow Butterfly, Puss Moth Caterpillar and Dasypoda Hirtipes (Solitary Bee), followed by the Harvestman and Wolf Spider.

The Council also asked local children to vote on how they want to play - 45 children voted, with climbing and swinging at the top of the poll, followed by spinning and then jumping and bouncing.

The results from the voting are to be given to the company that will build and install the play equipment.

They will then try and combine the two together, for example, by creating a timber butterfly which children can climb on.

Ward Member for Littleham, Councillor Mark Williamson, said: "Thank you to all of the Exmouth residents who came along to have their say.

"It will be your play area, so it is important you tell us what it should look like."

As well as enjoying the beautiful weather children had the chance to have their faces painted, learnt some circus skills and played giant games with their families.

The cash comes from a Section 106 agreement developers and EDDC - developers contribute to community facilities to compensate for the impact of developments.
