With reference to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. There can be no winners; our young men are being killed and wounded nearly every day.

With reference to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

There can be no winners; our young men are being killed and wounded nearly every day.

Bring these gallant men home and let them fight it out amongst themselves.

Let's remember, we invaded Iraq by the trigger happy Americans. It appears this is caused by greed for oil. Let's remember, money talks all languages.

How many innocent men, women and children did we kill invading Iraq and Afghanistan? It's about time we put our own house in order.

We hear a lot of talk from the MOD; better known as the "Whitehall Warriors". You don't hear of any of this gutless rabble going out there on the frontline. They live in their posh offices, while our men have been deprived of weapons and things they require. Kick this pathetic shambles out and let it be controlled by the Armed Forces.

There will be no winner, only death to our young men. The MOD also does its best to cut the pensions of the wounded. What a gutless shower they are.

Frank Farr,

(ex-Special Investigation

Branch, Paras 39-45)

East Budleigh.