An Exmouth mother and daughter, whose dog was paralysed when it slipped in another dog’s mess, are telling people to clean up after their pets.

Jan and Sarah Franks, of Carter Avenue, were exercising their dog, Morgan, on The Maer when he slipped, causing his leg to buckle underneath him and leaving him unable to move, writes Sean Keywood.

He was rushed to the vets, who feared he had broken his back, but a scan revealed his spine was undamaged.

Morgan is now making a recovery, but his owners have had to spend �1,800 on specialist care - and they are now calling on dog owners to make sure it does not happen again.

Recalling the accident, Jan said: “I threw a ball for him to chase. He ran after it and I saw his back leg slide under his body.

“He tumbled head over heels, making the most awful screaming noise, and when I got to him, he couldn’t move . His legs were pointing one way and his back was pointing another. I went back to see what he’d slipped on and there was a pile of dog’s mess.

“People need to be aware of the consequences of their actions. Whoever was on The Maer that morning and thought ‘I’m not picking that up’ - they’re responsible for this.”

Before his injury, Morgan won several rosettes in dog shows and took part in charity fundraising, but his owners fear he may be unable to do so again.

“He’s had to have 24 hour care and we’ve got to lift him upstairs and in and out of bed.

“It’s been very difficult for such a young, active dog and, if I couldn’t have afforded specialist care, it could have been so different.

“We’d like to thank Companion Care Vets, Exeter, Cave Vetinary Specialist, Wellington, and Linhay Veterinary Rehabilitation Centre, Dawlish, for treating him so well.”