CHILDREN turned out in their droves to take the rare opportunity to ‘humiliate’ the head teacher at the Beacon School’s summer fete on Saturday.

Hundreds turned out to the event at the Holy Trinity Church and by far the most popular event was Torture the Teacher.

Kids relished throwing custard pies at their head teacher, Sue Lockwood, a dinner lady and a crossing patroller.

The fete also saw pony rides, music, stalls, a bouncy castle, games cream teas, a silent auction and a raffle.

The children also got involved with their dance troupe and choir performing.

It was all to raise money to upgrade the play facilities – so far they have got new goal posts and basketball nets and hope to raise enough for projects including a new performance stage shaped like the bow of a boat and new games for the playground.

Sue Lockwood said: “It was a really good day. The children got involved and especially enjoyed the pony rides and torture the teacher. It’s not often they get to humiliate the head teacher!”