Perhaps East Devon District Council will now tell us what their Plan B is, now that selling off the estuary site to ASDA has failed? We have some 28 empty shops in the town centre, a deficit of �1.8 million in next year's district budget, no money forthco

Perhaps East Devon District Council will now tell us what their Plan B is, now that selling off the estuary site to ASDA has failed?We have some 28 empty shops in the town centre, a deficit of �1.8 million in next year's district budget, no money forthcoming to help buy Rolle College (nothing to do with us, says Sara Randall Johnson), money being taken from reserves to keep council tax down next year, council tax wasted on unnecessary court proceedings and propaganda, �70,000 spent on art galleries in Honiton, and Councillor Jill Elson embarrassing even her own colleagues by suggesting a cut in new, free home alarms for the elderly and vulnerable to save �14,000 pa. Now we even have the secretive, so called "Exmouth Regeneration Board" meeting at the Imperial Hotel rather than Exmouth Town Hall. It's good to know that my council tax is being used to keep them comfortable. Pity they didn't share what they're up to with their paymasters. Perhaps they are too embarrassed?What can we expect next? Selling off Elizabeth Hall and the seafront covenants for more posh apartments to make up for the ones lost to EDDC with the demise of ASDA?How sad that for all these years Tory-dominated EDDC could think of nothing more sophisticated for Exmouth than to see it as a cash cow in need of retail therapy.Keith Richardson,Exmouth.