Once again, Exmouth is pulling out all the stops with the very colourful and beautiful flower displays everywhere.

Once again, Exmouth is pulling out all the stops with the very colourful and beautiful flower displays everywhere.

However, Exmouth is being let down with the contractors who cut the grass verges, particularly along the Salterton Road and the Dinan Way.

The grass is unevenly cut and not very often, leaving mounds of cut grass to rot, making a dreadful impression of neglect and carelessness.

Around the Bystock Estate of houses, the grass is untidy and, again, mounds of rotting grass are left.

In other towns, the grass is cut and macerated at the same time, leaving attractive views of green stretches and verges

Please find a solution to this situation, which detracts from the floral displays.

Jean M Russell,

18 Evran

