REgarding the replacement of chairs for the Public Hall. Having attended the last town council meeting as a member of the public, I am disturbed at the headline on the front page of the Budleigh Journal - ‘Wasting our Money!’

The case for replacing chairs in the Public Hall was presented logically and fairly by Councillor Linda Evans and, having sat through several Film Club evenings, I agree that the chairs are uncomfortable, at the end of their shelf life and, in some cases, quite dangerous to handle.

The town Council debated the wisdom of investing at this time of economic hardship and agreed, by a majority of 10 to two, that replacing the chairs now was not only essential, but a sensible commercial decision. The new chairs would be lighter, more comfortable and would attract more local organisations to make use of the Hall.

That Councillor Bowen disagrees is to be respected. In return, he might consider that he was heavily outvoted and to subsequently provide cheap sound-bite quotes to the press in order to obtain newspaper headlines is both disrespectful and disloyal to his fellow councillors.

The new chairs are being made locally – not imported from China – and I fully support the decision of the council and look forward to enjoying greater comfort at future events.

This will be ‘Money Well Spent!’

Alan Dent,

(via email).