Police are investigating a break-in at a house in Exmouth in which £10,000 in cash was stolen, along with jewellery and other items.

The burglary happened at a property in the West Down Lane area on Friday, June 7 in broad daylight, between 11.30am and 12.30pm. The intruder prised a living-room window open to get into the house. They then broke into a locked study by damaging the door lock and frame, and took the £10,000 cash and a box of coins worth £20.

Jewellery and cash from a purse were also stolen.

Police are appealing for information and witnesses. They would like to hear from anyone who was in the West Down Road area at the relevant time on Friday, June 7, and saw anything suspicious. Anyone with relevant video footage or other information is asked to get in touch via the Devon and Cornwall Police website or by calling 101, quoting crime reference 50240139098.