The Exmouth Museum and Heritage Centre, together with The Salvation Army (TSA), have joined forces for a traditional afternoon tea party this month.

The event will take place on June 19 between 1.30pm and 4.30pm, at Shepperds Row, close to the junction of the Parade and Exeter Road.

For £5 per person, attendees can enjoy a drink and a cake, as well as a free entry to the Exmouth Museum - usually priced at £2.50 per adult.

Further than just food, the event promises to bring chat, friendship and companionship.

It is also an opportunity for people who haven't previously visited the museum to learn about Exmouth's rich history and heritage.

The tea party is to be held outdoors in the Museum Courtyard, weather permitting, otherwise the teas will be served in The Salvation Hall.

All profits raised from the event will be shared between the Exmouth Museum and TSA.