Exmouth Town Council held its first plant-based bring-and-share meal on Monday (May 20), and organsiers say it had a 'really good turnout.'

Another plant-based Bring & Share will be held at the Sideshore Community Hub on June 9 from 12.30pm to 2.30pm. See a full poster on the Exmouth Town Council website.

In December 2023, Exmouth Town Council endorsed an Exmouth-relevant version of the international Plant Based Treaty (Exmouth Plant Based Treaty). 

Exmouth Town Council say they want to celebrate this initiative and raise awareness of how diet change can help tackle climate change.

This is a free event - They just ask you to bring a (bought or made) vegan dish to share and list the ingredients to encourage idea-sharing and help those with allergies. 

Organiser Zoey Cooper said: "A massive thank you to everyone who came along on Monday evening to the first of our plant-based Bring & Share meals in Exmouth. We had a really good turnout, and the food was varied, plentiful and delicious!

"If you'd like to host a plant-based Bring & Share or would like to get involved in any of our other climate plan activities, please drop me an email.

"We have a lot planned for 2024 and would love more volunteers to help amplify our efforts."

For more information, email Zoey at zoey.cooper@exmouth.gov.uk.