Latest data shows house sale transactions are taking an average of 121 days to complete across the Exmouth (EX8) postcode since the beginning of the pandemic.

Sellers were waiting up to 121 days on average. Professional house-buying firm Property Solvers’ speed of sale tool has revealed that it’s taking an average of 17.29 weeks to sell a property in the Exmouth (EX8) postcode.

Updated monthly, the latest dataset analysed over 95 property sales across the region between February 2023 and February 2024.

The statistics track the moment a property is listed on the UK’s largest property portal Rightmove to the point it’s marked as officially ‘sold’ at the HM Land Registry.

In the EX8 postcode, out of the 95 tracked properties in the 12 months to February 2024, home sellers were waiting 121 days on average from listing to completion.

Ruban Selvanayagam of Property Solvers said: “while we’re starting to see some noticeable improvements into 2024, the continued pressures on the mortgage sector and buyers' ability to secure the right kind of finance has resulted in delays with sales completing,”

The co-founder of the sell house fast company said: “combined with the recognised ‘snail pace’ nature of the conveyancing process, it’s likely that these trends are likely to remain for some time.”