Exmouth's dinosaur population is growing.

Six mini dinosaurs and a larger one have been installed along Madeira Walk by a team of volunteers.

It's the latest stage of the project which has also included the installation of dinosaur brass rubbing plates on a footpath behind Exmouth Pavilion, and the painting of 10 life-size dinosaurs on the rear wall of the Pavilion by local artist Gary 'Garf' Cook, who also created the RNLI mural on the wall of the Haldon House medical practice.

The dinosaur trail project has received funding from Exmouth Town Council and support from local businesses including MH Carpentry, the Imperial Hotel and the Bath House. Members of the 3rd Exmouth Cubs have also helped out.

Volunteer organiser Liz Oram said: "It is a really exciting project adding to the dinosaur trail. We have more planned and can’t wait to move forward. We have been plagued by vandalism which has been a real shame - we are all volunteers and we know how much they are loved.

“We have used the town council funding on materials and dinosaur figures,  and all the volunteers have given their time for free, and I am so grateful.

"I’ve even begged and borrowed a wealth of support from local business people to help support it - they have been fantastic even if they roll their eyes when the 'dinosaur woman' rocks up and mentions helping a dinosaur!

"We would really love to build on this and have loads of ideas which we are sure will be loved by the children.

“I would love to raise £10,000 to take the trail to the next level through sponsorship and donations."

Anyone who would like to be involved with the Dinosaur Trail project through volunteering, donations or sponsorship can email liz.oram@outlook.com or call 07760 883067.