Holistic therapist Liz Flynn from Budliegh's Mirasol Therapies will be giving a free taster course in 'Self Care' at Seachange.

Taking place on Wednesday, January 31 from 2.30pm to 3.30pm. This is a taster session for her six-week course on self-care, which will include a Q&A, refreshments and 'self-care tools.'

Liz Flynn told the Journal: "My idea in the course is to introduce people to simple, natural ways to support their health and wellbeing; to help improve their mood, boost their immune system, improve sleep and balance their body energies, etc. I will also be recommending further resources both printed and online. There should be something for everyone regardless of age. All exercises, etc. can be done seated so mobility need not be an issue."

"Over the last few years, I have been sharing self-help and self-care advice with my clients and on Facebook and my website. I approached Seachange to share the knowledge I have gained over my long career as a therapist. They thought it was a great idea."

Places are limited and are booked through Seachange.