Exmouth Stroke Survivors Group will be collecting shoeboxes filled with gifts, which will then handed out to children over the festive period.

Your shoebox will be given to a vulnerable child, or family, through schools, nurseries, hospitals and orphanages. Our aim is that each box is given in relationship with the local community as part of a long-term commitment to these children. 

Stephen Beer, chairman of Exmouth Stroke Survivors said: “Christmas is coming, and, right now, I think, children need us to be more present for them. Now is the biggest need. Please be a part of this ongoing story that is continuing to impact and change lives by donating a shoebox to this year’s appeal. Christmas is coming, and, right now, I think, children need us to be more present for them. Now is the biggest need.”

"It is all about drawing alongside children, showing them someone cares about them and believes in them. We want to be dream-makers, the kind of people that challenge these often forgotten-about kids and ask them what they want to be, what do they want to do? We are about helping remove the obstacles that can prevent these kids from achieving their hopes and plans (such as our education programmes in Romania and Develop with Dignity programme in Uganda) but we want to go deeper than that.

"We want to help these kids believe in themselves; sow that one seed that says they can achieve what they want to achieve.”