As well as helping people in need this Christmas, Exmouth's Open Door has also asked people to become a 'keyholder,' a regular fundraiser to help support the charity's work.

This year they are again asking for those one-off gifts, but people are also being given the opportunity to give a little regularly and become one 'Keyholders.'

Sign up here

So far in 2023 they have been able to give away free hot meals to more than 1352 people, nearly half of these meals have been given away to families coming in with secondary and primary children.

Tim Chappell, head of operations at Open Door Exmouth said: "Every year Open Door is amazed by the generous giving of local individuals and businesses to support our Christmas campaign.

"Open Door has seen an increase of 484 people seeking support, that's an 86% increase on 2022. We have seen 314 more homeless visits to Open Door that's a whopping 800% increase of 2022 and we have given away 645 more free meals this year compared with 2022.

Open Door has some big plans for next year, they will be expanding their support services across the week employing a dedicated "Support Lead." They will also be starting a new youth cafe in the new year called "Toast" which will run after school every Tuesday and Thursday.

Open Door will also soon be advertising for a new Cafe Manager to help meet the increased demand and begin opening on a Saturday once in post.

Open Door is inviting you to become a keyholder this Christmas, you can do this online or phone 01395224218 or call into Open Door. If you are a business and would like to become a keyholder please email