It is a difficult to write a column when minds are fixed and there is wrong on both sides.

We are all sickened by the atrocities Hamas committed and feel for victims and their families, but Israeli oppression of their Palestinian neighbours is not right either. Political leaders on both sides have failed to grasp the long term realities. This has led to appalling violence regardless of partisan feelings.

Chaos has roots in history and the past is a guide to the future. The 1940s was a decade of extremes; stories from then are relevant today. In May 1940, I was 6 months old, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister, Germany had invaded Poland and Norway, the French were defending their Maginot line. Russia was Germany's ally, and had overrun Eastern Poland.

Meanwhile, the USA was sitting on the fence with plenty of home grown food, coal from Wyoming and oil from Texas, having recovered from the financial crash of the 30's. Maybe this was isolationist America at its greatest, which Donald Trump's MAGA movement (Make America Great Again) would like to recreate.

1941 brought big changes. On 22nd June Germany attacked Russia, regardless of their treaty. The USA remained neutral, but shipped Britain food and armaments. On 7th December the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. A Japanese admiral said "we have awakened a sleeping giant!". Indeed they had!

In the 1930s, the British mandate in Palestine facilitated Jewish immigration from Europe. The British Balfour Declaration of 1917 had proposed that a Jewish homeland be created, and continued: ""… it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.""

In 1947, the UK proposed granting 55% of historic Palestine to a Jewish State and 45 % to an Arab State, with Jerusalem having special status. In 1948, the British Mandate expired, the State of Israel was declared and its military forces expelled many Palestinians, destroying villages and capturing 78% of historic Palestine, leaving 22% for Palestinians divided between the West Bank and Gaza. In June 1967, Israel forcibly occupied the rest of Palestine.

Politicians made agreements, but Israel expanded settlements even when the USA exhorted them to stop. The Palestinians became increasingly frustrated, resorting to periods of violence, with many boxed into the Gaza strip, the most densely populated place on earth with 2 million people dependant on external aid in an area the size of the Isle of Wight. Israeli politics became more extremist.

Warfare will not solve this. Statistics show the world has 1.6 billion Moslems, 2.2 billion Christians but only 44 million Jews; an absolute victory will not happen. The Old Testament and Torah both describe the struggles of the Jewish people waiting for the Messiah to lead them to "the promised land", hoping for a great military leader. Woops!! Jesus Christ, believed by Christians to be the Messiah, accepted by Islam as one of the five great prophets, came to preach peace and caring for other people. "The promised land" is a peaceful and caring world, including Palestine, where civil and religious rights will be mutually respected.

The Christmas message is "Peace and Goodwill to all people". We need all world leaders to enforce this, and to do the same ourselves for all around us!