Dangerous dogs have hit the headlines, but it is people who are dangerous.

Larry, the cat in 10, Downing Street, is well aware of the problem and is reported having the Sunak Labrador well under control! Larry came as a stray, as did our own Tigger years ago. Back arched, ears folded, paw raised with claws fully extended, he stopped the largest dogs in their tracks!

A man once threatened me with two Dobermans on chains. His boat had made big waves on the river, upsetting the rowers I was coaching. He had disapproved of what was shouted from the towpath! I told the dogs in a calm and gentle tone that I thought they would taste really delicious with soya sauce, after being suitably spit roasted. The dogs wagged their tails at my friendly tone of voice, the owner went bright red with fury, the crew gathered round in curiosity, nothing more happened!

People who wish to be threatening choose dogs to support their aggressive posturing. Bullies are probably rough with their dogs. Dogs are pack animals, and take their tone from the leader of the pack. Whether dogs become dangerous because they are mistreated or because they take the lead from their owner is for animal psychologists. Larry at number 10 makes his own decisions, as did Tigger from my past!

People form gangs, tribes, rings, followers or packs! Groups of like minded bullies and misogynists are now being uncovered in more places, including our police to the extreme discomfort of the majority of good officers. Dangerous bullying and discrimination is gang behaviour, in which the rest of the group covers up for the offenders and encourages them. Social media facilitates gangs of followers.

Rape and sexual harassment are the easiest to hide because victims are reluctant to complain. Bullies pick on the weak, usually because they are cowards themselves. Some of the worst offenders become popular and rich so colleagues are reluctant to criticise. Standing up to aggression takes courage. We do not have vicious claws like Larry and Tigger but we need to stand as firm as they do and give full support for any others under threat. We need a word for aggressive pacifists, peace loving activists!

Dangerous dogs may kill a few people each year, but rape and sexual harassment seriously damage many thousands. Many years ago I was a couple of hours late for an appointment at Luton and Dunstable hospital. The nearby M1 had stalled due to a major accident with two lorry drivers killed. The consultant I was visiting commented that the total death toll was very much higher; many lives would have been shortened by a year or more with the stress of the delay causing raised blood pressure and tension.

Harassment and bullying, whether sexual or not, have a lasting and maybe lifelong effect on the lives of many victims. Death or physical injury can be reported; the change in an individual's life, lifestyle or their ability to form relationships cannot be measured.

The Harry Potter books describe him living in the cupboard under the stairs. Their huge popularity should tell us how nervous and needy are so many young people. Many comedy series are built on bad characters created to raise a laugh.

But when serious instances occur in reality it is not funny. There needs to be a clear response to stamp it out.