A planning application has been submitted to remove the ATM and signs from the NatWest Bank, which is set to close on Thursday, October 19.

All fascia signage, marketing and the ATM and 'infill with glazing to match existing window above/adjacent will be removed from the bank.'

The night safe plate would also be removed and replaced with a window. 

The application says: "The proposal will not have any further impact on the site as it will retain the same building configuration and the access will retain the same position as the existing.

"No works are proposed to the existing perimeter wall except from those mentioned above. Access: As the main entrance will be retained as existing, access to the property will remain unaffected by the proposals and will therefore continue as previously."

Nothing will currently change inside, the application is just to remove the signs, night safe and ATM.

Exmouth's NatWest Bank at 11 Rolle Street has confirmed it will be closing on Thursday, October 19

In a letter sent out to residents on Wednesday (July 5), NatWest confirmed the bank will be closing and are encouraging customers to bank online.

NatWest says that the nearest bank will be in Exeter. 

Exmouth also lost its HSBC and Barclays bank recently, meaning TSB and Nationwide will be the only banks left in Exmouth after October.

In a letter to Exmouth residents, NatWest said: “Closing a branch is a difficult decision and not one we take lightly. We understand that this branch closure may be challenging for many and we’re working hard to help prepare our customers, and our colleagues, for the closure.

"We will introduce a community pop-up site following closure where a local colleague will be available to support face-to-face conversations around your day-to-day banking needs, support you with setting up and using our digital services, provide information and advice on how you can use your local Post Office for cash-based transactions, as well as provide advice on how to protect yourself against fraud and scams.”

Find out more about the banks closure at natwest.com/bankingnearme. Or contact customer support via 0131 380 6528.