Flowers are finally blooming at the site of an Art in the Landscape project to brighten up a dull pathway in Exmouth.

Exmouth in Bloom worked with Isolation Creation and local schoolchidren to decorate the fence next to the pathway between the station and Leisure Centre. The project began in August 2022 when children spent an afternoon in the Sensory Garden painting wooden templates of sunflowers, animals, birds and insects. Over the winter months they were varnished, and they were attached to the fence in June this year.

Exmouth Journal: The 'opening' of the project in June when the seeds were planted

As a final touch the children sprinkled wild and annuals flower seeds on the earth at the base of the fence.

Nine weeks of drought followed, and the seeds did not germinate well, but the rain during August brought them to life. The plants grew and are now in flower, bringing the finishing touch to the project 'to green up a grey area'.

Exmouth in Bloom have thanked Isolation Creation for their help with the project.