Raleigh Manor care home has set up its own miniature stable of horses for future racing events.

For Royal Ascot, the home had borrowed the Budleigh Salterton Carnival Club’s own stable of race horses which were kindly lent for the occasion.

Gill Pratt, General Manager at the home, said: “We all had so much fun running the race day here for Royal Ascot we decided we wanted to get our very own horses made. And, of course we knew exactly who to ask to make that happen.”

The Men’s Shed Exmouth who are just up the road from Raleigh Manor were commissioned to create the homes new steeds. Peter from the Men’s Shed delivered the horses to the home where the residents will now be tasked to paint them.

“The lovely team at the Men’s Shed were only too happy to accommodate us and they are such a talented group of men, it was the obvious choice. It probably won’t be the last request they have from us. We love our new steeds and can’t wait to race them. I think there might have to be a Melbourne Cup event.”