A 2024 calendar featuring beautiful photos of Budleigh Salterton is now available from the town’s Information Centre.

The calendar has been designed and produced by two Information Centre volunteers and the pictures, all by local photographers, were provided in exchange for a photo credit. They depict familiar local landscapes and wildlife.

Exmouth Journal: The 12 photos on the pages of the calendar

One customer purchased a copy to send to his son in Canada this week. Another person in the Midlands who bought a calendar said: “The pictures are spectacular, and I look forward to being able to view Budleigh every day next year.”

For local residents the calendar will also be a useful source of information. It contains two pages of up-to-date listings giving contact details for the emergency services, health services, vets, schools, transport, banking facilities, town and district councils, churches, the library, and local clubs and societies. It’s the only printed publication in the town that has all this information in one place, and will help those who cannot use the internet to access the details on the Information Centre’s website.

Last year the centre produced a similar calendar that sold out in record time. This year’s has been sponsored by the East Devon Golf Club, and three photos including the front cover were taken by the late Peter James Miller, a past captain and long-standing member of the club.

It has been printed by a local company who made sure the picture quality is excellent. The Information Centre said it will make an ideal gift for visitors and residents to buy for friends and family. Protective cardboard envelopes are available from the centre for posting the calendars out.

The calendar is priced at £7.50, with all proceeds going towards supporting the Information Centre which is a not for profit community interest company (CIC), completely self-funded and run by volunteers.

The calendar is available to buy from Budleigh Information Centre which is open Monday to Saturday from 10am until 4pm, or it can be ordered by phone 01395 445275 or by email (info@visitbudleigh.com) and sent out by post.