Woodbury Salterton Church of England Primary School has been rated 'good' by Ofsted.

The school's latest Ofsted report was published on July 27, by inspector Jyotsna Paranjape. Here is what she had to say about the school: "Pupils live out the school values of ‘love, inspiration, fellowship and encouragement’.

"They show respect for each other and the environment. Pupils care for each other and value how staff look after them. They say that being part of this inclusive, nurturing school community prepares them well for their next steps. Pupils talk with confidence about being part of a school family ‘where everyone is your friend.'

"Leaders regularly adapt the curriculum design. Their most recent improvements have been made with the aim to meet the wide range of pupils’ needs within each class. This works well in some subjects, but can be less developed in other subjects.

"Pupils were also commended on how they behaved well. They were kind and courteous. and try their best and learn from their mistakes.

"Leaders place reading at the centre of the curriculum. Pupils learn to read as soon as they join the school.

"Children in the early years get off to a strong start. They settle quickly into the established routines. The staff knows children well and sensitively encourages them to explore the learning environment.

"One thing the school was asked to improve was the staff workload. Some staff raised concerns about how their workload negatively impacts their well-being. Leaders must continue to make positive changes to procedures and policies to ensure all staff can fulfil their roles effectively."

"Also, the curriculum in some subjects does not always fully meet the needs of all pupils within each class. Some pupils do not learn as well as they could."

Now the school has been awarded a good grade, inspectors will come back in four years' time for an ungraded inspection to confirm that the school is still good.' If they are graded lower than good then the school will undergo a graded inspection every year or two.

Schools across the UK are inspected every year and are rated by the regulator Ofsted in four categories: Inadeqeute, requires improvement, good and outstanding. 

Read the full report on the Ofsted website OFSTED