A 10K running challenge in aid of East Budleigh's Mill Water School raised £1,265 towards extra resources and equipment for its pupils.

Members of staff from the school joined dozens of runners for the hilly Bicton Balmy course on Sunday, July 2. The school provided marshals for the race and its PTFA held a cake stall to boost the fundraising.

Organiser Lizzie Mayne, from LMEvents, chose Mill Water as this year's charity and donated £300 from participants’ entry fees.

Exmouth Journal: Georgia White

Staff member Georgia White, who ran the course, said: “It was a wonderful event with a great community spirit. A huge thank you to everyone who supported us, whether providing cakes, volunteering as marshals, cheering us along or donating to our Justgiving page.”

Exmouth Journal: Teacher Beccy

Sponsors Ladram Bay funded the Team Mill Water running tops and Kings Garden Centre was among those that made generous donations.

Exmouth Journal:

The Mill Water team’s Justgiving page is: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/millwater-school

For more details about Mill Water School, visit www.millwater.devon.sch.uk

To find out more about LMEvents visit https://www.lmevents.org.uk

Exmouth Journal: The cake stall run by Mill Water PTFA