May is that month when we all start to embrace the outdoors; the trees once again become green, the flowerbeds starting to burst with colour and of course the grass starts to grow.

Every year about this time, I like to pretend that I’m a gardener and I’m full of optimism that I can recreate the world of Titchmarsh and Monty Don whose effortless planting seems at this stage very attainable. Sadly, within two weeks I am reminded that I have neither the skills nor the budget of Titchmarsh and friends.

However, there is one thing that I am proud of each year, and it’s so easy it’s a no-brainer for those of us that have a grassy to call a garden. Yes, I’m talking about no-mow May - such a small thing to do that has such a big impact. If you’ve not heard of the idea, it basically requires leaving your grass to grow for the month of May, thereby providing food sources for pollinators like bees and butterflies. It also helps lock carbon below ground and in these times of high energy bills reduces the amount of power you’re using in mowing the lawn.

It also struck me after the recent floods in nearby Newton Poppleford and Tipton St John, that even just keeping grassed areas grassy is a big part of caring for the eco-system of our planet. Admittedly less here than in our cities, but as people get busier and work longer hours it is becoming increasingly common to see gardens paved over in favour of parking spaces and large areas covered with Astroturf. Whilst these are obviously convenient solutions to a couple of life’s every-day annoyances, just think what we’re doing to the ground’s ability to absorb water when we do have serious rainfall. Whether we like it or not, our climate is changing. We owe it to future generations to ensure we’re not leaving behind parched earth and a dying eco-system. So put that mower back in the shed and put your feet up instead, it’s what the planet wants.