Exmouth artist and author Ray Balkwill will be giving an illustrated talk in Lympstone this April.

Taking place on Saturday April 22 in Lympstone Village Hall. The talk is entitled ‘The River’s Voice’. It is a celebration of the Exe Estuary in words and pictures and for those that know Ray, it is something he is passionate about.

This special stretch of water has been the mainspring of his art for four decades and he has captured all its many moods along both banks, and as he says, ‘in just about every medium possible’, including books and films.

The evening provides a fascinating insight into the artist’s personal and physical relationship with his native landscape. Ray not only describes his love of painting en plein air, but also shares fascinating, as well as humorous stories associated with the river. One of his favourite locations to paint is Camperdown Creek, with its rustic boatsheds and characterful boats. Inevitably places change and the creek is no exception with many of the boatsheds being pulled down and the old wooden boats broken up. However, Ray is pleased to have recorded them in his paintings and books for posterity. As an Academician of the South West Academy his paintings have carried the grandeur of the region far and wide and the talk will appeal to all those who are equally passionate about art, history and the river.

The evening is a joint presentation by Lympstone History Society and Lympstone Historic Houses Group and tickets are on the door. Visitors £5 and members £3.50. Doors and bar open at 7pm and the talk starts at 7.30pm.