Topsham Repair Café returns to St Matthews Hall in Topsham in April.

Repair Cafés are free meeting places where you’ll find volunteers, with repair skills in all kinds of fields – electrical, mechanical, sewing and other specialist expertise. 

Topsham has its own one in the Dorothy Holman Centre on the 1 st Saturday of each month from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.

Rather than taking your broken items of clothes, pieces of furniture, electrical appliances, crockery, toys, et cetera to the tip, try the Repair Café.

If the repair job is too complicated or will be very time-consuming the volunteer will discuss the options with you. Generally, but not always, items will be accepted if they can be sorted out within 30 mins.

If you have nothing to repair, come anyway and enjoy a cuppa and a piece of cake with other visitors.

For more information about the repair cafe, visit the website here