A group of women from Exmouth have set themselves the challenge of building a community garden in just eight hours this weekend.

They will come together to take on the task on Saturday, April 1 for the inaugural All Women Splash Project. 

The All Women Splash Project will transform the grounds of the Littleham Leisure centre, largely a grassy area, into a sensory growing garden for the community to enjoy as a social space, tackling isolation, and for growing fruit and vegetables, promoting exercise and healthy eating. Going forward, The Wave will take on the management of the garden with the community.  

The group put a call out on social media for women in the greater Exmouth area to take part and are now over-subscribed. A number of sponsors also came forward including Jewsons Exeter, Exmouth Power Tools and Timco UK. 

Splash Projects announced our not-for-profit All Women Splash Project on International Women’s Day (March 8) which we launched to offer a project specifically to give women the chance to learn new skills and make new friends over an impactful community project.  

The All Women HQ is in Exmouth, and while around 60 per cent of their work is overseas, this is their way of giving back to the community: for the majority of projects they have a business partner who sponsors (funds) the project build, but for this project, the cost of materials is being covered by The Wave, a Baptist Church and charity which has acquired a grant for the work, while they are covering all staffing costs for our Project Facilitators, before, during and after the project day.  

Located in Littleham Village, the leisure centre is a small hall with a kitchen and toilet facilities, used as a community hub. It is owned and managed by the Church of England/Littleham Parish Church which has given permission for the project which, as above, is being funded by The Wave.