The Exmouth Town Concert Band has raised £500 for Seachange Budleigh.

The band nominated Seachange to be their charity of year in 2021.

The event, which was held in the Exmouth Pavilion and Holly Trinity Church were a huge success, with over 200 people in attendance.

In addition to raising money, the event also helped to raise awareness about the importance of outdoor activities for health and wellbeing.

The band played a selection of well-known tunes, including pieces from popular movies and musicals, and the audience was enthusiastic in their support.

Thanks to the generosity of those who attended, the events raised £500 for Seachange. This money will go a long way in supporting the charity's work and the communities of East Devon.

Seachange is a charity that works to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals through activities such as low impact exercise classes, craft groups and film sessions.

The charity provides opportunities for people to participate in these activities, regardless of their age or ability, and promotes the many benefits of spending time with others.

The Exmouth Town Concert Band is a group of talented musicians who regularly perform in and around the town of Exmouth, Devon. The band is made up of players of all ages and skill levels, united in their love of music and their commitment to their community.

When they learned about the work of Seachange, they decided to use their talents to support the charity and raise awareness about the benefits of socialisation to combat loneliness

Many of those in attendance were inspired by the work of Seachange and may be more likely to seek out opportunities to participate in outdoor activities themselves.

The Exmouth Town Concert Band Director of Music Steve Grant said: “We and Seachange are both shining examples of what can be accomplished when individuals and organisations come together to support a worthy cause.

“Our collaboration has helped to promote health and wellbeing in the community and will have a positive impact on the community."