The Exmouth & Budleigh Anglo-French Society gathered together at the Wesley Community Cafe in Budleigh for a special Mardi Gras celebration.

“Most of us opted for the traditional sugar and lemon juice filling,” said Committee member, Catherine Harding, “with a few trying a banana and chocolate combination, while yet others chose a savoury ham and cheese offering. Not a crumb remained and nothing but empty plates went back to the kitchen!”

The Anglo-French Society also meets regularly at the Wesley Cafe on the first Monday of the month for an informal chat in French. “It’s a drop-in,” explained Society Chair, Marian Beaumont. “We have a core group of ‘faithfuls’ but it’s always great to see who turns up on the day. Groups of around six people form up randomly on arrival, which makes for plenty of variety of conversation.”

The Anglo-French group meets regularly at the Wesley café on the first Monday of the month from 2.45 – 4pm for their regular ‘cuppa and conversation’ drop-in session.

Next meeting: Monday 6 March 2.45pm. For more information, contact Catherine on 07855 194408 or Marian on 07812 899635.