A Littleham Primary School pupil has won a prize for growing a giant sunflower – nearly 12 feet tall. 

Year 3 pupil Kelsey Robson-Cross is a member of the school’s gardening club, run by Graham Bell from Exmouth in Bloom. The pupils grow a variety of vegetables and flowers in the school garden, but the annual sunflower competition is a favourite. 

Each year they sow sunflower seeds in their own pots. Once the seeds have germinated, the strongest plants are planted out in front of the polytunnel, and then the owners of those plants are responsible for looking after them. 

Kelsey’s sunflower - 3.64 metres or 11 feet 10inches in height – has been declared the winner. d Exmouth in Bloom posted a photo on Facebook showing the plant towering over her, which has attracted several compliments. 

The seeds from her prize sunflower will be saved for next year’s competition.