Exmouth Museum has now closed for the winter and can report a very successful season in 2022, with record numbers coming through the door. Many of these visitors are local as well as those on holiday and it is always wonderful to welcome everyone wherever they have come from. 

The museum website www.exmouthmuseum.co.uk has been updated this year and many people like to visit it before visiting us in person – so have a good look at it!

One common thread the stewards are always asked though is how we are funded. For those of you who do not know, the museum is a registered charity and is run by trustees who appoint a management committee to run the museum on a day to day basis. We were able to purchase the building in 2021 and therefore secure the future of the museum for the town, but that comes at a cost. We were able to do this by means of a grant and also a loan, which of course has to be repaid. The museum is run entirely by volunteers who give freely of their time and that includes that of our curator. To maintain the museum and repay the loan takes a lot of money each year and we raise funds through different ways as follows and this is how you can help us in one or more of the following ways:

Why not come and see us in 2023? We open again on Monday, April 2, so put this date in your diary. Admission fees for adults are currently £2.50 which has to be the bargain of the century! Children and students are free.

We introduced a range of merchandise for the first time this year all of which feature the museum logo. Visitors love to buy a souvenir of their visit and items such as pens, pencils, badges, mugs and wrist bands have all been good sellers. So add some to your collection!

Leave us a legacy in your will. This is important to people who have lived in the town for many years and want to give something back to Exmouth after they are no longer with us. Your solicitor can advise you on this.

Make a donation to the museum- this can be for general use of the museum or as some donors do, specify it is to be used for the building fund only – we can cater for your wishes.

Set up a regular donation by means of a standing order for as little as £2 per month. Full details are on the web site www.exmouthmuseum.co.uk or you can obtain details from the museum itself when open.

Come and see us at our monthly coffee mornings, held on the third Thursday of every month at the Axis Centre, Market Street, Exmouth. These are very popular with a mouthwatering range of home made scones, cakes and pastries to tempt you. You can buy raffle tickets with a chance to win one or more prizes or just simply come to meet friends and chat – you will always be assured of a warm welcome.

Many people give to charity at Christmas, sometimes instead of giving presents. Why not take advantage of this and give a present that will last forever?

We have a research facility available and if you have family connections to the town, and use the information at the museum to assist with research into your family’s history or house then why not donate to help us?

Lastly – come and get involved. We always require help whether it be stewarding, fund raising, maintenance, painting, carpentry etc etc. We can always use you!

If you are a business in the town we are keen to involve you where you can sponsor us. This for example could be by means of sponsoring a particular item like Jewsons did, with the provision of materials for the mural of the horse that features on the outside of the museum during the months we are open. Alternatively, we are looking at ways businesses could actually sponsor an exhibition or a complete room at the museum. If you are interested or would just like to talk about an opportunity then please contact me in the first instance at mike.menhenitt@btinternet.com 

Thank you to all of you who supported us this year and we look forward to welcoming everyone again in 2023.