REGARDING your article Anger at 200 homes . I agree with councillor Longhurst that, if Lympstone and its needs had been considered by the planners, we might have not felt so hostile towards the development. As it is, we are not part of Exmouth, we have

REGARDING your article "Anger at 200 homes".

I agree with councillor Longhurst that, if Lympstone and its needs had been considered by the planners, we might have not felt so hostile towards the development.

As it is, we are not part of Exmouth, we have a perfectly good shop, cafe, care home etc within the village and I cannot see how this development will enhance our environment (where will The Devon Way be diverted - through an industrial estate?).

Courtlands Lane is very narrow and access to the A377 is at the crest of a very busy hill. I do not see the easing of an already heavy volume of traffic, especially in the summer, if this estate is built.

Lastly, how dare they help themselves to our 'Green Wedge' without so much as a by your leave.

Deborah Mitchell,

Brook End, Lympstone.