The neighbourhood plan for the Clyst St George has legally been adopted.

East Devon District Council’s (EDDC) cabinet on Wednesday (January 2) night unanimously agreed to make the plan following its backing in a referendum.

In Clyst St George, 93 per cent were in favour of the plan. Turnout was 25 per cent.

Adoption of the plan means that EDDC must use the Neighbourhood Plans to help it decide planning applications in the area.

The plan outlines how the village should retain its existing character, not be swallowed up by neighbouring towns, and where development should be located.

The document sets out that Clyst St George shouldn’t be ‘swallowed up’ or overrun by Exeter and the village should retain its agricultural heritage.

Cllr Bruce De Saram, Neighbourhood Planning Lead Councillor, said that he wanted to congratulate the community on its plan and the outstanding backing it had from residents when the referendum took place.