Plans for a 350-home development in Littleham have been recommended for approval by district planning officers.

The Plumb Park proposal will be considered by councillors next week, but ahead of that meeting East Devon District Council’s planning department has prepared a report saying it should go ahead.

The plan is for the homes to be built on Donkey Hill, to the south of Littleham Road and Pankhurst Close – a site that has been allocated for housing in EDDC’s Local Plan.

The only access to the new homes will be through Buckingham Close, and concerns have been raised about turning what is currently a no-through-road into a major route for vehicles.

There are also fears that the development will create major problems at the Littleham Cross junction.

However, EDDC officers say that the traffic arrangements for Plumb Park have professional support.

The report says: “County highways [officers] are in agreement with the transport assessment submitted with the application, and consider access off Buckingham Close to be safe and suitable, and that even though some impact upon the local highway network will result, this would not be considered to be severe enough to justify refusal of planning permission.”

Officers have also addressed concerns about the appearance of the development, and a possible flood risk.

“The indicative layout for the site is very promising, showing how the development could integrate into the landscape whilst having an acceptable visual impact.

“Matters of flood risk, ecology, archaeology, noise, foul drainage and contamination can be adequately addressed through [planning] conditions.”

Exmouth Town Council has previously voted to oppose Plumb Park, due to concerns over the Buckingham Close access, traffic and pedestrian safety, affordable housing levels, and the sewer system not being able to cope.

District councillors will now rule on planning permission at a development management committee meeting being held at the Knowle in Sidmouth on Tuesday at 10am.